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oyepriyansh's github profile

An open-source developer-focused web application for sharing thoughts and knowledge within the developer community


saikiranreddy201's github profile

It is a web-crawler that can traverse websites starting from a given seed URL, following links to discover and crawl additional pages within the defined scope, It will scrape all the front add files like html, php except the backend code files to ensure safety!


Akash-Tandale001's github profile

Analyzed and developed an E-commerce application with 1000+ products in different categories such as Entertainment, Mobile, Laptops,etc. With payment feature integrated through Stripe payment.

Xylophone App

Atharvashirsh's github profile

A simple Xylophone App made in flutter that plays tunes

Cloud Reminder

ighoshsubho's github profile

A reminder app that reminds you about particular task via mail and phone number.

Sticky Notes App

Ajay84sia's github profile

A user-friendly sticky notes app that enables users to create, edit, and delete virtual sticky notes for convenient task management.

Donation Carnival

prachisingh1008's github profile

In this project user can donate amount as per their capability using razorpay and that amount will be used for the welfare work


Hemant2335's github profile

This is a replica pf other movies platform where you can get details and related details of the Movies and Tv shows


priyankarpal's github profile

Projectshut is an open source web app that enables users to freely publish their projects and create user profiles within the platform


Aryainguz's github profile

Email Marketing is an important aspect of promotions of any kind, so here's a email newsletter subscription web app i made using expressjs to get subscribers for my email marketing and newsletters . Using Express JS and Mailchimp's API do use it for your personal project and share you insights with me, Aryan